Performance Clinic - Building Unbreakable Pipeline with Azure DevOps
seg., 19 de nov.
how to make an unbreakable CI/CD pipeline with Azure Marketplace extensions and orchestrate self-healing in case of unexpected situations impacting the reliability of your system.

Horário e local
19 de nov. de 2018, 13:00
Sobre o evento
Even the best CI/CD and DevOps practices cannot guarantee a production environment without issues. With emerging technology, there are numerous ways to automate resilience into your applications to automate the solution of potential problems.
In this session, Safia Habib and Andreas Grabner show you how to make an unbreakable CI/CD pipeline with Azure Marketplace extensions and orchestrate self-healing in case of unexpected situations impacting the reliability of your system. Hail the rise of AIOPs teams in partnership with Dynatrace.
Make sure to have your questions ready as we open up for Q&A at the end of the session.